Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Behind the Story to a Hero

What would the criteria for a national hero?

Basic understanding of a hero is someone who is willing to do something without thinking about their own interests. If he holds a national hero, then surely these people are willing to do anything for his country, either by military or political means. What he has done is valid nationwide.

But reading the list of national heroes are more than 150 people, suddenly I have doubts whether the above definition it is a benchmark? or no difference in the sense that consequently lead to confusion in the layman like me.

If you see the character movement leaders such as Eugene Douwes Dekker or Tjipto, the definition of a national hero easily identified on them. Similarly figures like Nyai Ageng figures and Cut Nyak Dien attack. The first two are heroes in politics, two other women were leaders of armed struggle. Even the bitter reality while enjoying political reciprocation Java, Aceh was devastated because the warlords were captured or killed by the Dutch.

For the past are over, there is Sultan Agung who have been appointed as National Hero of Indonesia since 1975. However, if the appointment was due for his services against the occupation, I feel less comfortable. Because we all know Mataram is always busy to expand his empire. Sultan Agung even took VOC work together to attack the Surabaya and Banten. Unless his services in the areas of culture that is very helpful development of Javanese literature.

If the Sultan Agung was named a national hero for building Mataram, then we might as well identify Mataram is only controlled by Indonesia Java and Madura, whose territory stretches from Sabang to Merauke.

As for the attack to Batavia, more because they want to conquer Banten. Previous envoy Sultan Agung meet the VOC in Batavia to file a partnership with the terms of certain conditions, but was rejected.

Talk about fighting the occupation, perhaps even more fitting if Trunajaya, Madura nobleman's son who was awarded a hero, even if it does not mean it is free from notes. He worked with the crown prince Mas Rahmat to the dispute with his father Amangkurat I for one woman. Mas Rahmat Amangkurat character exactly the same as I. Motives of hatred against Mataram met with malice of a child.

We can talk about Mangkunegara I also have become a national hero. There is a groove which also was broken here. Mangkunegara I was fighting against the Dutch, but after getting an inch of territory and became the Duke of self, he became a partner into Holland and his army of support personnel for the colonial administration and payroll. According to the logic of what he needed approval for the Dutch to occupy their own land. In the end he chose to live each other with suspicion by the same 3 small kingdom of Mataram from the same descendants still insisted on guerrilla against the Dutch. Finally, the motif is more palpable to the family dispute rather than maintaining independence as a nation

Similarly Mangkubumi who later became the lane I, he turned his back quickly after a Dutch law Suryakusuma offers office and region as outlined in the contract Giyanti, longer longer just an inch of land that does not even include central Java. He seems to forget that the Dutch had no right what what to offer something that is not theirs.

Although the heart may very well do they hate the Dutch, but the motive power struggle seems to have a more dominant color,

In the end, giving the title of national hero for some of the descendants of King of Mataram even confusing because of the historical record raises many questions and lawsuits, especially from the conquered areas.

The question also leads to the Whitewater Palakka and Sultan Hasanudin. Whitewater Palakka not become a national hero and is still being debated because he cooperated with the VOC. But he had a strong motive at the time, freeing people from the power Hasanudin Bone, sultan Makasar. As the son of Bone, blood boil to see thousands of people have died from forced labor Bone building a fortress to be used Hasanudin face of VOC. Self-esteem as a heir to the throne of Bone makes vowed to free its people and for that he collaborated with the VOC.

In this case it is different from the Mangkubumi who also worked with the Dutch resistance Mangkunegara face? While Mangkubumi has been awarded the title of National Hero

The results are in a war he can hit Makasar Hasanudin Bone and people are free.

Apparently for this national hero award is only seen from the side of Indonesia without regard to locality. it seems just a reverse position of the Dutch / VOC and its allies versus Indonesia.

Keep in mind that Indonesia had not known, there is only a sovereign kingdoms.

Maybe in a nation wide perspective, should be given a clear classification for a term of national heroes. However there is no perfect human being. Sometimes
very thin boundaries in making a person a hero or an enemy.

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