Wednesday, February 15, 2012

History of the descendants of Arab Youth Pledge

The descendants of Arab Youth Pledge has a 3 point statement, namely: 1. Peranakan Arab country is Indonesia. 2. Peranakan Arabs must leave life alone (isolation) 3. Arab Peranakan fulfill its obligations to the ground-water and Indonesia.

On 4-5 October 1934, the young men of Arab descent in the archipelago to the congress in Semarang. In this congress they agreed to recognize Indonesia as their homeland, as previously berangapan among Arabs that their homeland is the Arab countries and is always oriented to the Arabs. Congress youth of Arab descent are rarely known to the public because it is not taught in the subjects of history in Indonesia. In fact, I swear this young Arab descent have large consequences for themselves as descendants of Arabs and to support the struggle for independence in Indonesia.

Dutch colonial government divided 3 strata of society in the archipelago. The upper class were white (European, American, Japanese, etc.), second-class citizens of foreign Asian (Arab, India, China etc.) and third were natives of Indonesia. Arabs who migrated to Indonesia the majority coming from Hadramauth, South Yemen. Those Arabs who came to the archipelago was entirely male, and because of distance constraints as well as Arabic tradition (women do not go traveling) then they come without a wife or female relatives. Arab men were married to native women. If the Europeans refer to as inlander natives (the porter) refer to the indigenous Arab descent ahwal terms, which means mother's sister. For all of Arab descent was definitely her mother's native.

On August 1, 1934, Daily Sun AR Baswedan Semarang includes article about the Arabs. AR Baswedan is Peranakan Ampel Surabaya Arab origin. In the article was a picture of AR Baswedan blangkon wear. He invited Arab descent, like himself, embracing the principle of ius soli citizenship: where I was born, that's where my homeland. The article, entitled "Arab Peranakan and Totoknya" contains a recommendation on the recognition of Indonesia as a country. The article also contains an explanation of how the attitude of nationalism Baswedan recommended to his people. The basic ideas of the Arab homeland lainb Peranakan is Indonesia; Arab Peranakan culture is a culture of Indonesia - Islamic Arab Peranakan compulsory work for the homeland and the people of Indonesia; political organization should be established specifically for the Arab Peranakan; Avoid things that can cause disputes in the Arab community; Stay away from the life of solitude and adjust to the circumstances of the times and people of Indonesia. AR Baswedan article is selected by Tempo magazine special edition of the National Centennial of the rise (May 2008) as one of the 100 most influential writings in the history of Indonesia.

The article was written AR Baswedan appalling when he was 26 years old. Because of the article, people of Arab descent was furious with her for the idea raises humble in the eyes of the Arabs at that time. Not only that, through the Sun newspaper AR Baswedan routinely throw ideas on the importance of integration, unity of Arabs in Indonesia, for Indonesia together another nation fighting for independence for Indonesia. The emergence of the idea of ​​establishing Arab Party Indonesia is closely related to the submission of the principle of land for the Peranakan Arab Indonesia. The idea of ​​establishing Arab Party Indonesia with its recognition of the Arab homeland Peranakan developed and well articulated and fought for. AR Baswedan also actively calling on people of Arab descent to come together to help Indonesia fight. Therefore, AR Baswedan traveled to various cities to speak and spread his views on the Arab descent.

The descendants of Arab Youth Conference
On 4-5 October 1934 the young men of Arab descent from various towns in the archipelago gathered in Semarang. At that time the Arab society throughout Indonesia Peranakan an uproar because of the Arab Conference in Semarang. In PAI conference in Semarang AR Baswedan first ask the question where the ground water. The youths who attended the congress, aspires that the Arabs should be united to Indonesia and then fully integrated into the Indonesian nation. Initials at the conference of Arab youth Indonesia made an oath: "we are one country, Indonesia. And Arab descent who have departed this life alone (isolation) ". This oath is known by Indonesian Youth Pledge Arab descent.

According to AR Baswedan unity is the main capital for the Arab Peranakan then along the national movement united against the invaders. Previous congresses were all of Arab descent, even if they are intelligent and leading-no one recognize Indonesia as their homeland. They argue that their homeland is not Indonesia Arab country. AR Baswedan pioneered the rise of Arab nationalism that was initially reluctant to recognize Indonesia as a country. Since October 4, 1934 it united with the descendants of Arab national movement and abandon the identity of the Araban, then change the identity of the spirit into the spirit of Indonesian-ness kearaban.

A clear recognition of Arab descent that his homeland is Indonesia. This firmness was originally much opposed. But slowly this Congress echoed the call. Many Arab Peranakan who supports and follows the movement and the idea. The idea is credited with giving birth awareness of Indonesia as a homeland for the Arabs. Arab Peranakan eventually recognized as his fellow countrymen. History records the establishment of PAI further provides a great effect for the Arab community in Indonesia. Many of his characters was fought in government and society are active in Indonesia. Children and descendants in the present is also quite a few are acting as the national figures.

The descendants of Arab Youth Pledge was attended by youth leaders of Arab descent. The results of that conference was the establishment of the United Arab Indonesia which later became Indonesian Arab Party. At the conference it was agreed that the maintenance of PAI as follows: AR Baswedan (Chairman), Noah Alkaf (writer I), Salim Maskati (Writer II), Segaf Assegaf (Treasurer), Abdurrahim Argubi (Commissioner). Other PAI figures Algadri Hamid, Ahmad Bahaswan, HMA Alatas, HA Gilani, Argubi Hasan, Hasan Bahmid, A. Bayasut, Syechan Shahab, Husin Bafagih, ALi Assegaf, Ali Basyaib etc..